Frequently Asked Questions
What is SUNY Online? Can I earn an SUNY Online degree?
SUNY Online is not a separate degree granting institution. Students need to matriculate at one of the SUNY campuses. Students must work with their advisor on their home campus to make sure they fulfill the requirements of the degree program.
Do I have to sign on at one particular time? or place?
SUNY Online is an asynchronous network, which means that students can sign on to their courses through Brightspace at any time of the day or night from any place where they can access the Internet. Students develop their own schedule based on the course expectations set forth by professors and the students own schedule work habits. However, courses are semester-based which means there are starting and ending dates for the courses. Your fully online course may require you to take proctored exams.
Do I have to be an experienced internet/computer user to take SUNY online courses?
Although you do not have to be an expert, you must have basic computer skills such as word processing and some experience using the Internet. Browser compatibility is also important. Google Chrome or Firefox are recommended browsers for Brightspace. The SUNY Online Support Services HelpDesk is open seven days a week to answer your questions.
How do I register?
Go to Registration and Records for detailed information.
Is there help available throughout the semester?
Yes! The SUNY Online Support Services Help Desk is available throughout each semester seven days a week according to the following schedule (Eastern Standard Time):
- Monday through Friday: 7am to 12am
- Saturday: 10am to 8pm
- Sunday: 10am to 9pm
Is there a difference on my transcripts between a traditional course and an online course?
No. The grade for your online course will appear on your transcript the same as any other class.
Can I take an online course from another institution and transfer it back to MCC?
Yes. You will need to check with the Admissions Office at MCC to make sure the class you want to take will transfer back as the class you need for your program.
Is there an attendance policy for online courses?
Policies for online courses are the same as those for traditional classroom courses.
Why might someone take a course online?
There are many reasons why students take online courses:
- Time constraints
- Distance limitations
- Flexibility
- Physical limitations
- Availability of programs/classes
How much do online courses cost?
Tuition costs for online courses are the same as for any other course, but have an additional fee per credit hour.
Do I need a computer to take online courses?
You need access to a computer and the Internet to take online courses. It is highly recommended that you have your own computer.
When do courses begin and end?
Online courses follow the same semester schedule as traditional courses. Some courses may be offered in a condensed format. Check the Class schedule for more details. Courses are available to you in Brightspace seven days prior to the course start date.
Am I still eligible for financial aid if I take online courses?
Yes. Online courses qualify students for financial aid in the same way traditional classes do.
Do you offer any in-person training for taking online courses?
At present, we do not offer in-person training. MCC has a self-paced, online Student Orientation that will teach you how to navigate online courses using Brightspace.
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 150
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-3440